【是日美好事物】想性感就来买一条裹身裙 不开心就去选一件“哭脸...

设计师Narciso Rodriguez曾说过:要使女性美丽动人,就得让服装更贴近她的肌肤。许多身穿Narciso Rodriguez礼服出镜的明星名人或许可以证明这句话多么正确。除了礼服,面向都市精英女性推...

⚫ DR.SEBAG玫瑰活颜精露 5ML VOL II ALL DRESSED UP 盛装打扮 ⚫ BY TERRY玫瑰润泽唇霜3G ⚫ DAVINES欧艾滋润护发精华油50ML ⚫ PHILIP B 轻柔润泽护发素 60ML ⚫ LIPSTICK QUEEN中世...

His mother was always impeccably groomed. 他妈妈总是打扮得干净利落,十分得体。 6. look a million dollars (通常指享受奢侈品时)看上去/感觉非常好 "You look like a million dolla...

­ ‘Where are you off to then, all dressed up like a dog’s dinner?’ ­ 你之后要去哪里,穿得这么招摇? ­3。 A cold fish 冷漠的人 ­ Dictionary definition: a + adjective + fish: a person who is strange in a specified way.Although in theory any adje...

Vanessa: And we weredressed up. Dad: Yeah. I was dressed as afire bird. Emma: And what were you dressed as? Vanessa: I was naked. And we were just out there in the desert, and he was burying my bare body in the sand. Dad: Yeah. Pecking at it with m...

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